FlexNet Fixed Meter Reading - Proposal
Between 1996 and 2008, the Utility Division conducted a water meter conversion program changing from Badger meters to the Sensus meter system. Along with complete meter replacement, meter reading technology was changed to a radio read format utilizing an MXU transmitter installed with each meter. Initially using handheld devices, meter reads were collected by walking near each metered property. As technology advanced and provided for improved meter reading efficiency, a vehicle mounted unit, a VXU, was purchased in 2002 to allow for drive-by meter reading.
The existing MXU transmitters are battery powered and are reaching the end of their life span. Battery failure rates are rapidly increasing; more than 2,000 batteries have already failed and more battery failures are found each billing period. Taking advantage of improved technology, as we respond to failures, we are installing new Smart Point transmitters. Staff has purchased a second Trimble Programmer Model 900LC with Command Link. This equipment is used to install SmartPoint transmitters and now allows Public Works to engage a second crew that will further accelerate the replacement and conversion effort.
Sensus has perfected a new SmartPoint transmitter and a fixed network meter reading system called FlexNet. SmartPoint transmitters come with a full twenty-year warranty, including the battery. The SmartPoint transmitters are capable of storing hourly reads for seven to ten days, as well as detecting continuous flow over a specified period of time and potentially identifying leak situations. Utility Division staff began installing SmartPoint transmitters in 2012. To date, more than 1,500 SmartPoint transmitters have been installed. There are currently just over 500 MXU replacement service orders pending; each of these MXUs will be replaced with a SmartPoint transmitter. In addition, only SmartPoint transmitters will be used for all new water ...
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