2025 Winter/Spring Program Lists
Attached, please find lists of programs and events the Recreation & Parks Department plans to offer in the 2025 Winter/Spring Program Guide.
Lists include revenues from the previous season, as well as expense totals from programs and events which are operated on a contractual basis.
The attached document titled 2025 Winter/Spring Program Lists - Summary of Changes, details new programs, and programs being discontinued.
Staff seeks Board approval of all programs including contractual vendors and instructors totaling $25,000 or greater during the Winter/Spring program guide season.
Recreation program expenses are offset by participant registration fees. Total revenue and expenses are dependent upon the actual number of participants.
Staff is requesting approval of the recommended programs and events, along with approval to pay contractual vendors and instructors.
Financial Impact
Varies depending on actual registration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the recommended programs and events and payment to the contractual vendors and instructors at the time of invoicing;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all agreements with contractual vendors and instructors listed in the Winter/Spring 2025 Program Guide, subject to Village Attorney review.