Sandburg High School Landscaping Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA)
Prior to the LaGrange widening and reconstruction project, Sandburg High School had an entry/monument sign located at the southwest corner of 131st and LaGrange Road. Additional right of way was necessary at the corner of the widening of the intersection. With the widening the existing sign was removed. Throughout the development of the LaGrange Road enhancement plans discussions concerning a replacement sign between the Village and School District 230 have been ongoing. A new sign is proposed at the southwest corner within the school district property. The proposed sign is designed to include the same materials and aesthetic features as the other walls throughout the corridor. The wall will also include LED up-lighting. The procurement and placement of the championship plaques will be the responsibility of the school district.
An Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) between the Village and District 230 was previously approved and executed. During this time, the District has been developing a landscape plan for the perimeter of the school, specifically along LaGrange Road and 131st Street. The District approached the Village inquiring to utilize the Village contractors to complete their landscaping enhancements. Exhibits highlighting the limits of the landscaping are attached.
An IGA has been developed to outline the work and cost participation. There is no cost to the Village. All enhancement work proposed by the District and built by the Village contractors will be paid 100% by the District. With this IGA an escrow account will be established for the District landscaping work. The escrow language has been reviewed by the Village Attorney and District and is included with this item.
Staff is recommending entering into the IGA to perform the work with its contractors and to establish the escrow account for payment of this work. The benefit to both parties is the co...
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