Village Hall Department Furniture
The Fiscal Year 2024 Budget includes funds for furniture replacement. As part of the Village’s Office Furniture Standardized Program, office furniture for the following departments is being replaced:
• Development Services, replacement of desks, chairs and cabinets for the copy/supply room, all administrative and building division staff members totaling $77,374.11; and
• Mayor’s conference room cabinet totaling $1,230.75.
Midwest Office Interior of Woodbridge, IL is a preferred seller/vendor of OMNIA Partners-Public Sector Co-Operative Contracts. The Village plans to take advantage of the cooperative bid for Development Services and Mayor’s conference room furniture for HON products through the OMINIA Partners-Public Sector (Contract #R191804).
Financial Impact
Funds are budgeted in FY2024 1008010-461750.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to waive competitive bidding in lieu of entry into a contract through the OMNIA Partners-Public Sector Purchasing Cooperative #R191804 with Midwest Office Interiors of Woodridge, IL in the amount of $78,604.86 for the purchase of office furniture;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts, subject to Village Attorney review.