Custodial Services Contract Amendment and Extension - Proposal
The Village entered into a contract with Total Building Services (TBS) of Elk Grove Village, Illinois in January, 2013. TBS has been the Village's facility cleaning company for many years. The Village desires to amend the existing contract to include an additional day of cleaning for the Cultural Arts Center (CAC) and two additional days of cleaning for the Parks and Grounds Administration.
The Cultural Arts Center (CAC) is currently cleaned 5 days a week at cost of $993.18 per month. The additional day of cleaning (Sat.) will cost $286.00 per month ($3,432.00 annually) for a total annual cost of 15,350.16 to clean the facility.
The Parks and Grounds Administration Building is currently cleaned three days a week (Mon. Wed. and Fri.) at a cost of $161.45 per month. The additional two days of cleaning (Tues. and Thurs.) will cost $140.05 per month ($1,680.60 annually) for a total annual cost of $3,618.00 to clean the facility.
The current contract amount for services of $383,487.18 is being increased by $5,112.60 to $388,599.78 to cover the additional cleanings.
On December 5, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommened for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
The FY2017 and FY2018 budgets, subject to Village Board approval, will include amounts sufficient to cover the cost of cleaning services.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the Custodial Services Contract Amendments with Total Building Service of Elk Grove Village, Illinois through FY18, in an amount not to exceed $388,599.78 annually.