Veterans Park Playground Renovation - Bid Award
An invitation to bid was issued on July 27, 2017 for Veterans Park Playground Renovation by the Parks & Grounds Department. This bid is for the construction aspect of the project only (except for alternate # 1 and #2). Equipment will be purchased separately by the Village. The bid was opened on August 11, 2017 with three (3) companies submitting bids. Great Lakes Landscaping Co., Inc. of Elk Grove Village submitted a base bid of $176,047.00 and alternate #1 and #2 pricing of $11,554.00 ($7434.00 and $4120.00) for a total bid price of $187,601.00. Hacienda Landscaping, Inc. of Plainfield submitted a base bid of $135,395.00 and alternate #1 and #2 pricing of $8,800.00 ($5100.00 and $3700.00) for a total bid price of $144,195. Innovation Landscape, Inc. of Oswego submitted a base bid of $118,824.82 and alternate #1 and #2 pricing of $15,668.70 ($10,859.20 and $3,537.50) for a total bid price of $133,221.52.
Staff recommends awarding the Veterans Park Playground Renovation #17-028 including alternate #1 and #2 to the low bidder, Innovation Landscape, Inc. of Oswego for a total bid price of $133,221.52.
This agenda item is being considered by the Parks & Recreation Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
Financial Impact
Funds for the Veterans Park Playground Renovation Bid #17-028 are available and budgeted in Parks & Grounds account 283-4003-470300.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the Veterans Park Playground Renovation to Innovation Landscape, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $133,221.52.