2017 Hickory Creek Watershed Planning Group Annual Membership - Dues Payment
The Hickory Creek Watershed Planning Group (HCWPG) is an Illinois not-for-profit corporation organized in 2007. The mission of the HCWPG is to protect and restore Hickory Creek and its tributaries using a locally-led, holistic watershed planning approach. In 2012, the Hickory Creek Watershed Plan was completed with the input of local governments including Orland Park. The plan includes both general principles as well as specific recommendations for improvements in the watershed area. In 2011, the Orland Park Board passed a resolution in support of the plan.
Approximately 50% of the Orland Park land area is tributary to Hickory Creek through the sub-watersheds of Spring Creek and Marley Creek. The HCWPG is comprised of local communities including Orland Park, Joliet, New Lenox, Tinley Park, Frankfort, Mokena and Homer Glen along with Will County and numerous other environmental and consultant organizations.
In February, 2017, Hickory Creek Watershed Planning Group was awarded an Engineering Excellence Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies-Illinois Chapter (ACEC-IL) in the ‘Study, Research, and Consulting Category’ for outstanding water quality, stormwater management, public education, and stakeholder engagement work over the past two years. HCWPG, in collaboration with Huff & Huff, implemented a holistic approach toward developing the Phase 1 study for a Third-Party Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) in the Hickory Creek Watershed.
The main goal of the HCWPG is to reduce nonpoint source pollution and attain water quality and habitat improvements. Current efforts include the documentation and testing of water quality within the watershed to create a baseline understanding of current conditions. In Orland Park, water samples are collected regularly from tributary creeks by Village staff and analyzed by a professional laboratory, with the testing costs p...
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