Reject Bid for 2014 Pavement Marking Program
The Village prepares a multi-year bid for its pavement marking program as a separate line-item component of the Capital Improvement Road Improvement Program. Bids for the 2014 pavement marking program were received on April, 15, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. in the Village Clerk’s Office. One (1) bid was received and the results are attached for your information.
The 2014 bid included the standard Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) paint pavement marking, thermoplastic pavement marking and pre-formed plastic pavement marking. After several years of evaluating a variety of pavement marking products, staff has concluded that the epoxy pavement marking material provides for the most durable and lasting pavement marking. The specification for epoxy pavement marking was inadvertently left out of the 2014 bid submission. Having only received the single bid, coupled with the omission of the epoxy pavement marking as a specification, staff is requesting that the bid be rejected and rebid to include the specifications for epoxy pavement marking material.
This item is being referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
No impact
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve rejecting the current bid and to re-bid the project with new specifications.