File #: 2014-0677    Version: Name: Professional Engineering Services with Christopher B. Burke - Approval
File created: 11/12/2014 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/1/2014 Final action: 12/1/2014
Title: /Name/Summary Professional Engineering Services with Christopher B. Burke - Approval
Attachments: 1. CBBEL Proposal, 2. Christopher B Burke - Add E to MTHLY RETAINER


Professional Engineering Services with Christopher B. Burke - Approval



The Village of Orland Park's current contract with Christopher B. Burke (CBBEL) to provide professional engineering services expires December 31, 2014. Previous contracts for general engineering to be provided by CBBEL included a monthly retainer of $8,500. Staff is recommending to maintain this amount for FY 2015.


Throughout the 2014 fiscal year CBBEL has provided a variety of services not only with Development Servies but also the Public Works and Parks Departments and the Village Manager's Office. The scope includes attending Village meetings, investigation of engineering matters, review of drainage complaints, and follow-up with developers and residents. CBBEL also serves as the Village's professional engineer (PE) for the review and approval of private development projects within the Village of Orland Park. These fees are passed through to the developer for payment but are billed at CBBEL's 2010 rates, which is a significant savings to our local developers.


Attached is CBBEL's proposal for their services.


On November 17, 2014, this item was reviewed by the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

Funds for this contract are budgeted in the Development Services Department FY 2015 budget 010-2004-432500 ($78,000) and the Public Works FY 2015 budget 031-6001-432500 ($10,000) and 031-6007-432500 ($14,000).


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the Professional Engineering Services Contract with Christopher B. Burke in the amount of $102,000 or $8,500 per month as outlined in their proposal.