Village of Orland Park Open Lands Golf Outing 2013
The annual Village of Orland Park Golf Outing to benefit Open Lands of Orland Park is being planned for Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at Silver Lake Country Club.
Course rental fees for a maximum of 144 golfers will be $7,000.00 per the proposed Silver Lake Country Club contract. Expenses for continental breakfast setup (setup only; breakfast not included) & coffee, lunch, cocktail hour, dinner, and refreshments on the course are determined at the conclusion of the outing and are based upon final participation numbers and total beverage consumption. In 2012, total course fees, course refreshments, lunch, dinner, and dinner cocktails totaled $14,630.95. An increase of 5-10% is projected in 2013.
On March 4, 2013, this item was reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
In 2013 funds have been budgeted in account 010-9450-442990 SE7100 for these expenses. Registration fees and event sponsorships are expected to offset the costs of the event, including any amount above the budgeted expenses as in previous years. A $500.00 deposit was carried over from the 2012 event and has already been applied to 2013's expense total.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve an amount not to exceed $16,100 (10% increase) for the 2013 Open Lands Golf Outing expenses;
To authorize the Village Manager to sign the 2013 Open Lands Golf Outing contract as proposed by Silver Lakes Country Club.