Tyler Technologies, Inc. Computer-Aided Dispatch and Records Systems Annual Maintenance Fee - Purchase
In 2010, the Police Department purchased a Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) and Records System from New World Systems in Troy, Michigan (now Tyler Technologies, Inc.). The annual maintenance fee for the software included upgrades from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025, in the amount of $209,396.89. This payment is shared between the Village of Orland Park (for the records management system) and the (911) Orland Joint Emergency Telephone Board (for the dispatch system). The Village portion was budgeted as part of the Police IT budget in the amount of $98,772.00 and the Orland Joint Emergency Telephone Board (911) will cover the remaining amount of $110,624.89.
Financial Impact
The annual maintenance fee is an approved budgeted item under line item 1005010 442620 in the Police IT budget in the amount of $98,772.00.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the annual maintenance fee for the Tyler Technologies, Inc. CAD software in the amount of $98,772.00 to Tyler Technologies, Inc., Troy, Michigan for the Village of Orland Park’s share of the annual maintenance fee for the Tyler Technologies, Inc. CAD software.