File #: 2016-0515    Version: 0 Name: Zero Waste Cutlery and Straw Purchase Approval
File created: 7/12/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 7/18/2016 Final action: 7/18/2016
Title: Zero Waste Cutlery and Straw Purchase Approval
Attachments: 1. TriMark Quote, 2. Bio Green Choice Quote, 3. Print Globe Quote


Zero Waste Cutlery and Straw Purchase Approval



In 2016, Mayor McLaughlin has introduced the Zero Waste Challenge to the Taste of Orland Park. As a part of this challenge, the village will be providing restaurants with compostable forks, spoons, knives, and straws.  To meet the demands of the Taste, the following quantities will need to be purchased: 130,000 forks, 50,000 spoons, 25,000 knives, and 10,000 straws.


Compostable beer cups which will be used by Taste restaurants have been purchased through TriMark for a total cost of $3,882. The additional expense of $4,308.10 for the cutlery and straws will increase the total purchase made through Trimark to $8,190.10. The forks ($2,691), spoons ($1,035), knives ($517.50) and straws ($64.60) in the quantities shown above come to a total of $4,308.10.


Staff received three quotes from vendors for the cutlery and straws. (See attached). TriMark's quote is substantially lower than the other two quotes.

Print Globe: $54,800

Bio Green Choice: $12,726.80

TriMark: $4,308.10


Staff is requesting approval to purchase compostable cutlery and straws for Mayor McLaughlin's Zero Waste Challenge at the Taste of Orland Park 2016 through Trimark.


This agenda item is being considered by the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night. Village Board approval will be contingent upon receiving an approval recommendation at the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting.


Financial Impact

This is a non-budgeted item; funding will come from a budget transfer from contingency.


Recommended Action/Motion


I move to approve the purchase of compostable cutlery and straws for Mayor McLaughlin's Zero Waste Challenge at the Taste of Orland Park 2016 through Trimark in the amount of $4,308.10.