File #: 2017-0642    Version: Name: Fairway Estates (Maycliff South - Stage 2) Storm Water and Water Main Improvements GMP - Proposal
File created: 8/30/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/18/2017 Final action: 9/18/2017
Title: Fairway Estates (Maycliff South - Stage 2) Storm Water and Water Main Improvements GMP - Proposal
Attachments: 1. Burke LLC - Maycliff South GMP Proposal, 2. Burke LLC - Maycliff South Contract, 3. Burke LLC - Signed Contract - GMP Maycliff South Subdivision Drainage Improvement
Fairway Estates (Maycliff South - Stage 2) Storm Water and Water Main Improvements GMP - Proposal

In 2016, the Maycliff Subdivision stage 1 storm water and water main improvement GMP project and road improvement projects were completed. That project included storm sewer pipe additions and larger conveyance pipes to the downstream pond in Schussler Park (Fairway Estates). Stage 2 of the Maycliff storm water improvement will further minimize the risk of flooding in the Maycliff and downstream subdivisions to Tinley Creek. The Stage 2 improvements are also intended to improve storm water issues currently experienced in the Fairway Estates Subdivision along Poplar from Golfview Drive to 147th Street.

Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) was approved to initiate phase I & II engineering for the Fairway Estates (Maycliff south - stage 2) Storm Water Improvement Project in November, 2014. That work included hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, topographic survey, alternative improvement analysis, utility coordination, permitting and final engineering. Engineering for water main replacement was not included in the original scope of work.

On March 16, 2017 the Village hosted a neighborhood meeting to verify the understanding of the issues and discuss potential remedies. Two options were focused upon. The first option being only the installation of a new 60 inch outlet pipe from Schussler Pond. This is the option being proposed to move forward with at this time. The second option included expansion of Schussler Pond and reconfiguration of the park. While the pond and park improvements are not being moved forward at this time, they can be executed when funds become available. The full benefits of the improvement project will not be realized until the pond area is expanded.

The Fairway Estates subdivision was developed in phases starting in the late 1950’s and through the early 1970’s. The water mains were installed using cast iron pipes (curre...

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