Centennial Park Aquatic Center Old Pump Room Replacement Fencing
The fencing that surrounds the outdoor water heaters for the zero depth pool and provides storage before entry to the mechanical and electrical rooms has deteriorated beyond repair.
Due to the water heaters being reconfigured over the years, staff is recommending that the replacement fence stand at eight feet.
In addition, over the last several years, staff has been in the process of replacing the hand wooden rails with black aluminum hand rails. Staff is recommending to be consistent with the changes, that the fence be black aluminum.
Quotes were requested from three vendors to replace the current fencing with an eight foot black vinyl coated chain link fence with privacy slates.
**Peerless Fence of West Chicago - $9,961.00
**K Brothers Fence, Inc. of Mokena - $7,249.00
**Fence Masters, Inc. of Chicago Heights - $6,956.00
The repairs will need to occur prior to the scheduled opening of the aquatic center.
This agenda item is being considered by the Parks & Recreation Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.
Financial Impact
Funding for the replacement fencing in the amount of $6,956.00 is available in pool account 283-4005-460180.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to recommend to the Village Board to approve the quote for fencing replacement at Centennial Park Aquatic Center Old Pump Room area to Fence Masters, Inc. of Chicago Heights at a cost not to exceed $6,956.00.