File #: 2014-0578    Version: Name: Amendment to Annexation Agreement - Rodao Point Unit 2 (15180 Rodao Drive)
File created: 10/1/2014 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/20/2014 Final action: 10/20/2014
Title: Amendment to Annexation Agreement - Rodao Point Unit 2 (15180 Rodao Drive)


Amendment to Annexation Agreement - Rodao Point Unit 2 (15180 Rodao Drive)



Rodao Point Unit Two residential subdivision construction was approved by the Board of Trustees on October 16, 2006.  The associated annexation agreement was authorized and recorded in 2007, and is due to expire November 6, 2014.


The subdivision has been constructed, all public improvements are in place, and lots are prepared for the construction of homes.


The Village Attorney and the petitioner's legal counsel have coordinated the attached amendment document and are in concurrence with the terms.  The purpose of this public hearing is to allow the Village Board of Trustees to authorize the extension of the annexation agreement amendment.  A subsequent case file shall request the ordinance authorizing the signing of the amendment.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to adjourn the public hearing regarding the annexation agreement amendment for Rodao Point Unit 2 at 15180 Rodao Drive.