File #: 2016-0780    Version: Name: Bulk Materials Storage Facility - Concrete & Asphalt Recycling Services- Proposal
File created: 11/3/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 11/7/2016 Final action: 11/21/2016
Title: Bulk Materials Storage Facility - Concrete & Asphalt Recycling Services- Proposal
Attachments: 1. D Construction FOB Prices, 2. Wright Concrete Pricing
Bulk Materials Storage Facility - Concrete & Asphalt Recycling Services- Proposal

During the course of a year, Village crews working on various projects generate a substantial amount of broken asphalt, concrete debris and spoils (dirt, clean construction demolition debris, CCCD). All of these work by-products are contracted to be hauled out of the Village. Until recently only concrete could be recycled for future use.

Disposal of broken asphalt and spoils is managed through a contract with KLF Enterprises of Markham, Illinois.

To accommodate the disposal of the Village’s concrete debris in a cost-effective and environmentally friendly manner, the Village utilizes Wright Concrete Recycling Inc. of Markham, Illinois. Concrete waste generated through the various repair projects is temporarily stockpiled at the 108th Avenue Bulk Material Storage Facility.

Recently, Wright Concrete began accepting broken asphalt for recycling, providing the same service as KLF. Wright has agreed to haul and accept broken asphalt waste for $230 per load. Utilizing Wright Concrete, the Village will realize a cost savings of $95.00 per semi-truck load.

In addition, D Construction of Coal City, Illinois presented yet another option for the recycling of broken asphalt. Village trucks could be engaged to haul broken asphalt to D Construction’s Hazel Crest plant for $35 per load (Village truck load is approximately ½ of a semi-truck load). Although this option presents the lowest cost for asphalt recycling, the process is not without its challenges. Staff and equipment (trucks) resources would have to be dedicated to hauling the asphalt to Hazel Crest. During certain seasons, staff and vehicles are unavailable for hauling, i.e. leaf season and snow season.

Staff received proposals from D Construction of Coal City, Illinois and Wright Concrete Recycling Inc. of Markham, Illinois. Staff estimates the combined cost of hauling concrete and asphalt using Wright...

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