Orland Park Health & Fitness Center Spa Sand Filter Tank Replacement - Proposal
The Village of Orland Park recently acquired the former Palos Health & Fitness Center facility located at 15430 West Ave, Orland Park. Staff has found that a critical piece of mechanical equipment is in need of replacement. The spa sand filter for the women’s whirlpool is corroded and leaking.
Power Wellness (facility operators) initially contacted Aqua Pure Enterprises, Inc. of Romeoville, IL and received a proposal for $27,974.52 for the purchase and installation of a new spa sand filter tank. Village staff contacted and received a proposal from the tank’s original manufacturer, Neptune Benson of Coventry, Rhode Island in the amount of $10,170.02. Utilizing the original manufacturer’s tank will minimize the plumbing changes necessary for replacement. This proposal is for the purchase (only) of the spa sand filter tank. Building Maintenance staff would be responsible for the installation work. Ancillary parts including sand filter media and miscellaneous supplies are expected to cost no more than $2,500.00. Staff recommends accepting the proposal from Neptune Benson for the purchase of the spa sand filter tank for $10,170.02.
On November 7, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds from Contingency will be transferred to account 010-1700-461700 to cover the cost for this work.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve waiving the bid process;
Approve authorizing the use of contingency funds in the amount of $10,170.02;
Approve accepting the proposal from Neptune Benson of Coventry, Rhode Island, for the purchase of a Spa Sand Filter Tank for the Orland Park Health & Fitness Center in an amount not to exceed $10,170.02.