Catalina Subdivision Drainage Improvement GMP - Proposal
In 2012 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) began Phase II engineering to mitigate flooding issues within the Catalina Subdivision. The project includes the construction of relief storm sewers to convey runoff from each of the cul-de-sacs on Tulip Court, Sunflower Court, Primrose Court and Orchid Court to new detention basins. Phase II engineering is currently approximately 50% complete.
Typically, the Village hires a firm to design this type of project, which would then go out to bid for a contractor to construct. However, you may recall that the stormwater projects previously completed as a result of the flood study were handled through what is known as a “design/build” contract. In those projects, the Village retained Burke L.L.C., the design/build entity within the CBBEL group, to design the solution and manage the construction. Those projects were all completed earlier than anticipated and under the expected budget.
To expedite the project in the Catalina Subdivision, the design/build delivery method may be considered. If selected, the design/build delivery method would include a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP), the same method used for completion of the previous flood study projects completed by CBBEL.
Village staff requested that CBBEL provide a proposal to consider the design/build option. The proposal is attached and reflects a cost of $1,743,750 for the delivery of the project and will include a shared savings with the Village if the project is completed under budget. If the project comes in over budget, CBBEL would be obligated to cover the additional cost, with one exception: if the soils are determined to be contaminated, a change order would be negotiated.
If the Board wishes to advance a design/build contract with CBBEL, the current engineering service agreement will be terminated with a savings of approximately $10,000 and a new design/build agreem...
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