Landscape Management & Maintenance - Medians/Rights of Way (R.O.W.) RFP Award #18-001
A Request for Proposals for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020, with the possibility of extending for two (2) additional years, was issued on December 14, 2017 for Landscape Management & Maintenance - Medians/Rights of Way (R.O.W.) by the Parks & Grounds Department. The RFP was opened on January 17, 2017 with eleven (11) companies submitting proposals. Staff evaluated the proposals and set up interviews with four (4) companies. The companies granted interviews were Christy Webber, City Escapes, Semmer Landscape, and CNC Landscape. Interviews were conducted by a staff team comprised of Parks & Grounds and Public Works representatives. All vendors interviewed were asked a standard set of questions to insure uniformity responses. The team considered the ability to complete the work, size and stability of company, cost, levels of supervision, and responsiveness to complaints. After reviewing the proposals and conducting the interviews, the team is recommending awarding the Landscape Management & Maintenance - Medians/Rights of Way (R.O.W.) RFP #18-001 to Christy Weber of Chicago, IL for a total proposal price of $227,908.00 for proposed services in 2018, 2019 and 2020 with the possibility to extend for an additional two (2) years at a cost not to exceed the proposed rates.
Financial Impact
Funds for the RFP Landscape Management & Maintenance - Medians/Rights of Way (R.O.W.) #18-001 are budgeted in the annual 2018 budget.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve awarding RFP # 18-001 for the years 2018, 2019 and 2020 to Christy Weber Landscape of Chicago, IL at a cost not to exceed $227,908.00 per year with the possibility of extending the contract for two (2) additional years in an amount not to exceed proposed rates.