Soils and Materials Testing and Engineering RFP - Contract Amendment #2
In continuing efforts to ensure quality construction materials and methods are used and performed by contractors, staff utilizes the services of a construction material testing company. The current multi-year contract expires at the end of 2024 but has two option years. Although the service is primarily used in the annual Road Improvement Program and Road and Ditch Reconstruction Projects, these services have also been necessary to facilitate disposal of the village’s excavated spoils and new capital projects.
A Request for Proposals (RFP) was published on BidNet Direct from January 12, 2022, through January 26, 2022. The details of the request are as follows: a three (3) year contract, with the option to renew for two (2) additional years, for soils and materials testing and engineering in connection with public improvements construction, MFT funded projects, new construction, and infrastructure construction projects. Staff requested personnel hourly rates and unit pricing for a variety of material testing/laboratory services.
Following a review of all proposals and each firm’s qualifications, a scored evaluation found Construction & Geotechnical Material Testing, Inc. of Elk Grove Village, IL (“CGMT”) is considered to be the suitably qualified and cost-effective material testing vendor for the scope of services requested. Over the past nine (9) years, CGMT has provided excellent professional service to the Village on several different projects. Staff proposed and the Board approved the award a contract to CGMT for three (3) years of testing services, in an amount not to exceed $25,000 in 2022, and subject to Board approved budgeted amounts in 2023 and 2024. In 2024, the Board approved $25,000 again. While Legistar file 2022-0059 discussing the two (2) year renewal option, the motion in the file did not include such language. Staff has been happy with the w...
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