File #: 2017-0025    Version: Name: Recreation Department Program Guide - Summer 2017 Programs
File created: 1/10/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/6/2017 Final action: 2/6/2017
Title: Recreation Department Program Guide - Summer 2017 Programs
Attachments: 1. Hanna, 2. Michau, 3. Petrow, 4. Piattoni, 5. Savage, 6. Biela


Recreation Department Program Guide - Summer 2017 Programs


The lists of recommended programs to be offered in the Recreation Department 2017 Summer Program Guide are attached. Included in the lists are contractual costs (over $5,000) that would need Board approval associated with the summer sessions. These costs are covered by revenue generated through registration fees, and actual costs are dependent on the number of participants registered.


Staff is requesting approval of the recommended programs and payment to the contractual instructors at time of invoicing.


On January 16, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.



Financial Impact

Varies depending on actual registration.



Recommended Action/Motion


I move to approve the recommended programs and payment to the contractual instructors at time of invoicing.