Main Pump Station Master Meter Replacement - Payment to the Village of Oak Lawn, Illinois
The Village of Orland Park purchases and receives Lake Michigan water through the Regional Water System Agreement with the Village of Oak Lawn. The water is pumped from Oak Lawn to the Main Pump Station located at 8800 Thistlewood Lane, Orland Park. The potable water from Oak Lawn passes through two sixteen inch (16”) master meters, designated as North Meter and South Meter.
As per the Regional Water System Agreement, Section 9. A., Oak Lawn is responsible to furnish, install, operate, maintain, repair and replace the meters at each Municipal Customers respective sole cost and expense. As part of normal system maintenance Oak Lawn recently completed a master meter change out program at all customer communities. The work included the purchase of new meters, contracted replacement and SCADA integration. The cost for the work in the Orland Park Main Pump Station totaled $35,330.00.
On October 2, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the VIllage Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds are available from Account 031-6002-470600.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve payment for the Main Pump Station Master Meter Replacement - Payment to the Village of Oak Lawn, Illinois, in the amount of $35,330.00.