File #: 2015-0569    Version: Name: St. Coletta's Variance
File created: 9/10/2015 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/5/2015 Final action: 10/5/2015
Title: /Name/Summary St. Coletta's Variance
Attachments: 1. St Colettas Res. Variance, 2. St Colettas request from Ray Bryan for Variance
St. Coletta's Variance

The Village has received a request to vary from the Building Code in regard to a residential building's type of occupancy use allowed. For a referenced standard, the Village Code has adopted the International Building Code 2012 (a national model code) with amendments with restrictions on residential use definitions allowed within a detached single family dwelling. This code regulates single family dwellings in the R-3 Zoning District, which allows for wood frame construction.

The variance request is from St. Coletta's of Illinois Inc., asking to allow for six (6) developmentally disabled persons, with ages 21-50 years old, to reside in the existing residence at 14401 Oakley Avenue, Orland Park, Il. The residents will be under treatment due to mental care conditions as described in the St. Coletta's attached letter from Ray Bryan, Vice President of Residential Services. The requested variance would allow an Institutional (I) Use Group with only 6 persons to live within a single family dwelling without changing the building's construction type (wood versus noncombustible).

Variance Summary
The variances for this home referenced would be to maintain the existing building's Use Group as an R-3 without needing to change its construction regulations to those required for an Institutional Care, of an I-1 or I-2 use. The Village Code restrictions for residential and institutional uses are regulated under Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 13. Three applicable amendments to that section are summarized below:

a. Item #20 - 310.1 Residential Use Group. This section defines R-3 uses as Single Family Dwelling building including not more four (4) lodgers. St. Coletta's is requesting 6 lodgers.

b. Item #21 - 310.2 Definitions. Explains residential terms for "Custodial Care/Assisted Living Facilities" on a 24 hour basis and are to be classified as an Institutional Use of either an I-1 or an I-2. These 2 groups have different level...

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