Eleven (11) Ford AWD Utility Police Interceptors - Bid Award
The 2017 Fiscal Year Budget includes the purchase of eleven (11) replacement patrol vehicles for the Police Department. Legal notice for the ten (10) Ford AWD Utility Police Interceptors (Option #1 is for the purchase only of ten (10) prisoner partitions and eight (8) push bumpers) and one (1) Ford AWD Utility Police Interceptor (K-9 Unit) (Option #1 is for the purchase only of 1 K-9 system and one (1) push bumper) was placed in the Southtown Star newspaper on Wednesday January 18, 2017. Two (2) sealed bids were opened by the Village Clerk’s office on Wednesday, February 1, 2017 (bid tab attached).
It is staff’s recommendation that the bid be awarded to Joe Rizza Ford of Orland Park for the purchase of ten (10) Ford AWD Utility Police Interceptors, without option # 1, for a cost of $281,562.80 and for the purchase of one (1) Ford AWD Utility Police Interceptor (K-9 unit) without option #1 for a cost of $28,801.08. Rizza can deliver the eleven (11) Interceptors within 59 days after receipt of the order.
Upon review of the option #1 bid price from Rizza Ford, an apparent error was found in the transfer of numbers from page to page. After bringing this to their attention, Rizza Ford has subsequently requested their option #1 bid price be withdrawn from consideration. Staff identified an alternate source for the purchase only of option #1including ten (10) prisoner partitions, nine (9) push bumpers and one (1) K-9 system from Emergency Vehicle Technology of Mokena, Illinois at a cost of $13,108.05 (quote attached). Installation of Option #1 is managed through a separate contract.
This item is going directly to the Board of Trustees.
Financial Impact
Funds are available in account # 010-5006-470200 for these purchases.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the bid for ten (10) Ford AWD Utility Police Interceptors without option #1 from Joe Rizza Ford of Orl...
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