File #: 2017-0631    Version: Name: Evaluations and Reports of Building Condition, Phase 1 - Proposal
File created: 8/30/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 9/18/2017 Final action: 9/18/2017
Title: Evaluations and Reports of Building Condition, Phase 1 - Proposal
Attachments: 1. Prop-Facility Audit 8-28-17, 2. Contract - Signed
Evaluations and Reports of Building Condition, Phase 1 - Proposal

The village has numerous facilities that are maintained by Building Maintenance staff. With various components at the facilities requiring replacement or repairs, staff has identified a need to proactively evaluate the existing facilities and assess the current building conditions as well as the likely life expectancy of the various components of the facilities.

In 2016, the village requested our consultant, Studio GC of Chicago, Illinois to evaluate and prepare an assessment of three of the older existing buildings (old Village Hall-Museum, Robert Davidson Center and George Brown Commons) in order to identify likely replacement costs for those components reaching the end of their useful performance life. The evaluation and condition assessment report was completed for those facilities and is being used in the preparation of the Village Capital and Operating budgets.

To continue the evaluation and assessment of the village’s facility buildings, staff requested a proposal from Studio GC for additional buildings.

The scope of the evaluation and assessment of building conditions will focus on the elements likely to be included in the budget for replacement or renovation within the next 10 to 15 years. Equipment, materials, or assemblies that are nominal in cost are not included. The report is not a comprehensive list but does identify major expenses that are likely to be incurred in the foreseeable future.

The buildings for this phase of evaluation are the Civic Center, Cultural Arts Center, Franklin Loebe Recreation Facility, Recreation Administration Building, Village Hall, and the SportsPlex. The proposal from StudioGC of Chicago, Illinois for the building assessment and evaluation is $20,200.00, plus reimbursable expenses for printing costs. An estimated cost for reimbursable expenses is $2,500.00 for a total project cost of $22,700.00.

Additional building and facility ...

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