2017 Winter/Spring Senior Program Guide Printing
In 2016, the inaugural Summer/Fall Senior Program Guide was well received by the senior resident population. Staff is preparing to send the 2017 Winter/Spring issue to over 8,200 resident seniors, which is an increase from the inaugural publication. This program guide will highlight all senior programs, special events, and other Orland Park partner offerings tailored for the senior population.
Staff solicited four quotes for the printing of 10,000 program guide copies; 8,249 to be mailed to senior residents. The remaining copies will be distributed in all Village buildings and at events throughout the seasons.
The specifications for the piece are 10,000 copies, 8.125 x 10.625, 40 pages, 4/4 with bleeds, 80Lb. Dull Cover/ 80# Dull Text / 50Lb. White Offset, saddle stitch and prepare for USPS mailing. FOB 8,249 to be delivered to the Orland Park Post Office, and the remaining 1,751 delivered to the Village of Orland Park Recreation Administration Office.
The quotes are as follows:
Solution 3 Graphics $8,376.95
Cardinal Color Group $8,800.00
M & G Graphics $8,867.26
Allegra Print & Marketing $12,900.00
Staff is recommending the lowest quote from Solution 3 Graphics.
On January 16, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Parks and Recreation Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds are budgeted in account 283-4001-460140.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the quote from Solution 3 Graphics to print the 2017 Winter/Spring Senior Program Guide.