Extension of Utilities, 13435 Stephen Drive
The resident residing at 13435 Stephen Drive located in unincorporated Palos Park, has approached the Village to receive sewer service to his home in the McGinnis Lake Highlands subdivision (104th Avenue & 131st Street) of unincorporated Palos Township. The resident has indicated his septic system has failed and due to ground water conditions cannot be replaced. It was explained to that water service must accompany sewer service to facilitate proper billing for services. The property owner has expressed his willingness to extend the water main to meet this requirement. He has also been very active in his discussions regarding his current situation with outside agencies including the Cook County Health Department, USEPA, and IEPA. The USEPA and IEPA have been in contact with Public Works staff regarding access to Village utility services.
Public Works has reviewed the existing infrastructure and determined that it could be served with water, but not gravity sewer. A water main currently exists one lot away, on the opposite side of the street. This water main would need to be extended across the street and across the frontage of this property. A sewer main is located on the south side of Hillcrest Lane at the end of Stephen Drive. This sewer flow is west away from 13435 Stephen Drive. Elevations would prevent the sewer from being extended north on Stephen Drive.
Around 1987, the issue of serving the entire McGinnis Lake Highlands subdivision was discussed. At that time the majority of the neighborhood decided not to proceed due to the cost of this project. Should the property owner be allowed to tie on to our system the Village would require that the water line be extended to the far side of this property with a valve at the end. Gravity sanitary service can only be provided by extending the existing sanitary main from 131st Street and 104th Avenue; an endeavor not practical for an individual service. ...
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