I-80 Zoning District - Informational
I-80 Zoning District - 2014-0551
Village of Orland Park
The purpose of this project is to establish a new zoning district for that area of the Village commonly known as the I-80 Employment Planning District. The general boundaries of this study area are Interstate-80 on the south, 183rd Street on the north (with some portions extending to 179th Street), LaGrange Road on the east, and 108th Avenue on the west.
The intent of this discussion item is to follow-up with the Development Services, Planning and Engineering Committee with respect to the code writing status for the I-80 area - to be known as our Regional Mixed-Use Campus.
The Development Services team will deliver a condensed presentation of the attached document, which includes draft code language. The feedback gathered as part of this presentation will be utilized to prepare the code for the next steps, including the formal public hearing review process. This topic was presented and discussed at the December 7, 2015 Economic Development Strategy and Community Engagement Committee.
Recommended Action/Motion
This is an informational report. No action is requested.