Storm Sewer Grouting - Payment
Sinkholes developing adjacent to storm sewer structures are not unique. However, when numerous sinkholes form over segments of pipe, internal pipe grouting is often the best method to complete repairs.
In July, 2017 the Public Works Utility Division contracted with Visu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC of Bridgeview, Illinois to grout storm sewer pipes that have historically been problematic. The sites in question have required numerous repairs and additional visits from utility staff of the Public Works Department. Staff has worked with Visu-Sewer in the past with highly satisfactory results.
Grouting involves utilizing camera equipment, jetter truck and specialized chemical grouts that are forced into pipe joints utilizing air pressure and a packer device within the pipeline. Grouting is desirable in certain situations because it is a trenchless technology requiring no excavating minimizing safety risk. The additional benefit of grout injection is that it expands from within the pipe and fills voids that formed outside of the pipe, stabilizing the soils around the repair, avoiding large restorations. Once the grouting process is complete, each joint is pressure tested to verify that a tight seal is established. Once each joint passes its test within the repaired segment, the pipeline has been restored to a better than new operating condition.
Utility staff coordinated with Visu-Sewer to mitigate costs, performing some of the preparation work “in house”. Estimates for the repairs amounted to $4,700.00 and were expected to require one work day from the Contractor. As a result of conflicting pipe diameters, obstructed manholes and the extent of grouting required, a second visit was required. As a result, costs exceeded the original estimate totaling $7,582.50 to fully complete the repairs that were necessary.
On September 5, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and refe...
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