File #: 2016-0779    Version: Name: CPR/AED/First Aid Heart Saver Training
File created: 11/2/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 11/7/2016 Final action: 11/21/2016
Title: CPR/AED/First Aid Heart Saver Training
Attachments: 1. Cost Summary


CPR/AED/First Aid Heart Saver Training



An evaluation of the village’s overall CPR/AED/First Aid Heart Saver (CPR) training needs was completed in response to the resignation of our in-house CPR trainer earlier this year. The training needs include certification for new staff and recertification for current non-sworn staff every 2 years.


Staff met with the CPR training representatives from the Orland Park Fire Protection District (OPFD) to discuss how they could assist with our immediate needs. In addition, staff evaluated the cost of continuing to provide the training with an in-house trainer as well as another local vendor, a cost summary is attached. Staff recommends utilizing the OPFD to provide CPR training as it is cost effective, provides the stability of regularly scheduled training (day/afternoon/evening/weekend), and class sessions can be customized to meet the needs of employee groups (e.g. day camp - working with young children, Sportsplex staff working with those engaged in physical fitness, etc.). The training structure will include a monthly course offering, supplemented by additional courses as needed for busier periods of employee recertification.  


On November 7, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Finance Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

The FY2017 budget will include $5,000.00 in the General Fund to cover the expected expenses associated with the CPR/AED/First Aid HeartSaver training services. If expenses exceed the budgeted amount due to the number of employees needing to be trained, funds will be made available in the cost center to cover the added expense. 


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve an agreement with the Orland Park Fire Protection District to provide CPR/AED/First Aid training estimated at $5,000 depending on the actual number of required trainees for FY2017.