File #: 2016-0877    Version: Name: Pond Aerators Bid - Approval
File created: 12/14/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 1/3/2017 Final action: 12/27/2016
Title: Pond Aerators Bid - Approval
Attachments: 1. 16-032 Pond Aerators Bid Tab


Pond Aerators Bid - Approval




An invitation to bid was issued on November 22, 2016 for the purchase of two (2) AquaMaster Series 2HP 240V 1 phase Fountain, model #AQUA-M5422-SC, with lights, including additional items such as wiring, nozzles etc. The bid was opened on December 8, 2016 with nine (9) companies submitting bids. The bid summary sheet is attached.


The lowest bidder was Thomas Pump Co, Inc. with a bid of $12,402.00. However, the pumps they proposed were an alternate manufacturer. The next lowest bidder was Clark Aquatic at $14,336.00. However, their bid is considered non-responsive as they only submitted the bid summary sheet by the bid opening. Basic Irrigation Services Inc. of Plainfield, IL was the lowest responsive bidder at a cost of $14.985.00.


On December 19, 2016, this item was reviewed by the Parks & Recreation Committee, recommended for approval, and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.


Financial Impact

Funds are available for this project in the Water and Sewer Fund



Recommended Action/Motion


I move to approve the Pond Aerators Bid from Basic Irrigation Services Inc. of Plainfield, IL at a cost not to exceed $14,985.00 for the Pond Aerators.