Desktop Computer Replacement Purchase - Approval
Desktop computer replacements in several departments were included in the FY2017 budget. In total, 31 desktop computers replacements are being proposed. In order to receive the best possible pricing, all budgeted equipment was consolidated into one purchase.
The specific replacement criteria are as follows:
-- 16 of the desktop computers are 5 to 6 years of age and can no longer run current Village software effectively.
-- 15 of the desktop computers located in the Police Department are 6 to13 years old. Current Police Department applications are much more graphic and CPU demanding, which causes these older systems to run slow.
Dell computers were specified because they work very well with our existing systems and are very competitively priced under the GSA Contract. Four different models are proposed to fulfill all the various application needs of staff. The Village is eligible for state contract pricing from Dell under GSA Contract # 45ABZ MHEC.
Staff is recommending the purchase of 31 Dell computers with three year Pro Support warranties.
On February 6, 2017, this item was reviewed and approved by the Technology, Innovation and Performance Improvement Comittee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
This hardware expenditure is included in the FY2017 MIS budget, line item 010-1600-460110, in the amount of $38,000.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the Dell Desktop Computer Equipment Purchase in an amount not to exceed $38,000.