File #: 2014-0241    Version: 0 Name: Health Code Revision Village Code, Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 5
File created: 4/16/2014 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 4/21/2014 Final action: 4/21/2014
Title: /Name/Summary Health Code Revision Village Code, Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 5
Attachments: 1. 7-3-5-1 Revise Food Units


Health Code Revision Village Code, Title 7, Chapter 3, Section 5



The Village of Orland Park’s Village Code, Title7, Chapter 3, Section 5 (VC 7-3-5), regulates specified business including “Mobile Food Units” as noted in subsection 7-3-5-1 of the Village Code.  This subsection specifies “General Operation” for allowable “Mobile Food Units” and the permitted locations within the Village.


A wording modification to this referenced subsection is proposed and intended to establish a restriction for not permitting mobile food units from conducting business within existing commercial open business sites without special permission as approved by the code official per 7-3-5-2.


As currently written, a mobile food unit is permitted to be placed adjacent to an existing commercial and/or restaurant businesses without a means of limitation.     


Building Division staff has added the word “or” and deleted the word “commercial” for a change to our Village Code for your review as noted in the attached document.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to recommend to the Village Board of Trustees, the revisions in Title 7, Chapter 3, Subjection 5-1, for your approval.