Kristo Lane Drainage Improvement, Amendment No. 1 Outfall Modifications - Proposal
Orland Park residents living along Kristo Lane had reported extensive flooding in their area. In 2015, Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) initiated a review of the conditions and circumstances related to the reported flooding. This evaluation identified inadequate conveyance through existing pipes and overland flow routes to prevent storm water from entering residential structures.
In 2016, in line with the Village-wide initiative to identify, evaluate and provide recommendations to mitigate flooding issues throughout the community, the Village contracted with Burke, LLC to perform the storm water improvements along Kristo Lane. Construction of an overland swale to convey storm water from the backyards of Basswood Road and installation of larger storm sewer pipe in Kristo Lane were completed.
To reduce the velocity and scouring effect of water at the outfall structure a settling basin was incorporated into the design. The small basin is constructed with rip-rap stone and holds water for extended periods. Village staff requested that Burke, LLC review and provide a cost estimate for a change order to minimize the standing water issue. Burke, LLC has prepared a change order to the contract for a revised outlet control structure to the downstream receiving area. The change order is attached and reflects a cost of $7,600.00 for the downstream Kristo Lane outfall modification improvement.
On September 5, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
There are sufficient funds available in account 031-6007-470500 for this additional work.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve accepting the change order from Burke, L.L.C. of Rosemont, Illinois in an amount of $7,600.00 for the Kristo Lane Drainage Improvement, Amendment...
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