File #: 2017-0021    Version: Name: 147th Street and Ravinia Avenue Roundabout Utility Relocation Consultation Services
File created: 1/6/2017 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 1/16/2017 Final action: 2/6/2017
Title: /Name/Summary 147th Street and Ravinia Avenue Roundabout Utility Relocation Consultation Services
Attachments: 1. Utility Coordination Services 2017
147th Street and Ravinia Avenue Roundabout Utility Relocation Consultation Services

As part of the FY 2013 Budget, the Village Board approved the engineering for a roundabout at 147th Street and Ravinia Avenue. The intersection currently operates as an all-way stop control. A roundabout at this location has been contemplated by the Village for a number of years to improve traffic flow as well as provide an opportunity for the Village to aesthetically enhance the intersection. The Village has secured funding (70% FED/30% Local) from the Southwest Conference of Mayors (SCM) for all phases of this project.

Strand Associates has completed the Phase I Engineering Report which was approved by IDOT and the FHWA on May 8, 2015. Phase II Engineering and land acquisition is nearing completion. The project is currently scheduled to start construction in 2018. Prior to construction, staff is recommending to advance utility coordination to potentially avoid costly utility delays during the construction of the roundabout.

Strand Associates has provided a scope and fee proposal to manage the utility coordination and possible relocation. Strand has acquired the utility information, existing and proposed conditions of the roundabout area and has intimate knowledge of roundabout project making them the logical choice to assist with the utility relocation coordination. Typically this work is done as part of the construction engineering but as previously stated, staff believes that it is important to start the utility relocation work prior to the roundabout project starting in an effort to avoid delays and cost overruns of the roundabout construction. The fee for this work is proposed to be paid 100% by the Village. Construction engineering and construction funds will utilize the previously secured Federal STP funding (70% FED/30% Local). The project will be invoiced monthly for the hours worked at the hourly rates provided.

On January 16, 2017, th...

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