86th Avenue and Cedar Street Culvert Replacement Project - Bid Award
86th Avenue, within the Villa West Subdivision was originally constructed in the early 1970’s. A 36-inch corrugated metal culvert pipe connects a ditch from the east to a tributary of Mill Creek running north and south behind the homes on 86th Avenue. Over the past 40 years, this pipe has deteriorated considerably. There is significant deflection through the barrel of the pipe and the roadway pavement and sidewalk above the pipe has developed sink holes requiring significant patching over the past few years. The culvert pipe requires replacement in order to maintain a structurally sound roadway and pedestrian traffic.
With assistance from Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. (CBBEL) plans and specifications for the 86th Avenue and Cedar Street Culvert Replacement Project were developed.
An Invitation to Bid for the culvert replacement work was advertised in the Southtown Star Newspaper on August 10, 2017. Sealed bids were opened by the Village Clerk’s office on August 24, 2017 (summary attached). The only bidder to submit was D Construction of Coal City, Illinois with a total bid price of $76,625.00. D Construction has performed similar work for the village with the Orlan Brook Culvert Replacement. It is staff's recommendation that D Construction Company, Inc. of Coal City, Illinois be awarded the 86th Avenue and Cedar Street Culvert Replacement Project in the amount of $76,625.00, plus a $5,000 contingency for a total of $81,625.00.
CBBEL will be providing minor construction oversight in conjunction with staff during the installation of the culvert at minimal cost not to exceed $5,000.
On September 5, 2017, this item was reviewed by the Public Works Committee and recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Financial Impact
Funds to complete this project are included in the FY2017 Water and Sewer budget, account 031-6007-470...
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