File #: 2015-0049    Version: Name: 151st Street at West Avenue Roundabout Study - Phase I Engineering Services
File created: 1/14/2015 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 2/2/2015 Final action: 2/2/2015
Title: /Name/Summary 151st Street at West Avenue Roundabout Study - Phase I Engineering Services
Attachments: 1. CBBEL Proposal LA Agreement, 2. SIGNED IDOT Authorization, 3. Executed Subject Agreement - Signed
151st Street at West Avenue Roundabout Study - Phase I Engineering Services

On October 18, 2004 Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. (CBBEL) was awarded a contract to design and provide construction documents for the widening and reconstruction of 151st Street from Ravinia Avenue to West Avenue. Included in this is the design of a new water main, storm sewer, and intersection improvements at West Avenue and Ravinia Avenue.

On April 29, 2013 the Southwest Conference of Mayors (SCM) approved Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds for this project. SCM approved a maximum amount of 2 million dollars for construction. The total estimated amount for construction is $5.9 million. Plan modifications and a Phase I Engineering report will need to be completed in order to receive the construction funds. As part of the construction funds approval, SCM also approved funding for the plan revisions and Phase I Engineering report.

Since this time, the Village has considered various locations to utilize roundabouts as an alternate means of enhancing traffic flow throughout the Village. The Village's transportation plan identified this intersection as a potential location for a roundabout. The intersection of 151st Street and West Avenue currently operates as an all-way stop condition. As traffic increases throughout the area, the level of service at this location will decrease; therefore, staff is recommending studying the effectiveness of a roundabout at this location.

The Southwest Conference of Mayors has approved the roundabout project for Federal STP funding (80% FED and 20% Village). CBBEL has provided a scope of services and cost not to exceed to provide Phase I Engineering services. The amount not to exceed is $99,109.20 of which 80% will be reimbursed.

Upon approval of the Phase I Engineering and Village Board approval to move forward with the detailed design and construction of the roundabout, it is anticipated that this work wi...

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