Safariland Ballistic Rifle Plate Purchase
Historically law enforcement has more demands than ever. It has become common place to hear of active shooter and mass casualty events somewhere across this country. For many years law enforcement has been required to upgrade their standard equipment, much of which revolves around their ballistic protection. Officers are expected to run toward the sound of gunfire and eliminate the threat. Often this threat possesses a high-power rifle firing projectiles that will easily defeat the standard soft body armor worn by the officers. Much like highly trained SWAT Teams, officers have the opportunity to wear rifle projectile resistant armor plates. Each officer would wear a chest plate and a back plate giving them this higher level of protection. Safariland offers reduced pricing through the NASPO contract for rifle rated plates designed to be worn with our current soft body armor.
Financial Impact
Funds in the amount of $75,600.00 have been budgeted for in account 1005000-460180.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the purchase of 240 Ballistic Rifle Plates at a cost not to exceed $75,600.00 through the NASPO Master Agreement Number 164720;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts, subject to Village Attorney review.