Orland Square Mall Kiddie Train
The Development Services Department has received a request for a Village Building Code variance in regards to the installation of a train ride (amusement device) for a 500 sq. ft. area, within the open space/corridor of the Orland Square Mall. Please see attached document and drawing submitted by Todd Greenstein of B&B Promotions for placement within the Orland Square Mall common area.
Currently the Village Code limits the size of kiosks and similar structures in a mall's common area to 300 sq. ft. in areas for structures within a covered mall building. This Village code is noted in Title 5, Chapter 1, Section 13, Item #24 revising Section 402.6.2 (Attachment A).
Staff recommends approval of this variance with the following conditions:
-The construction meets Village Building Code ordinance as shown in Attachment A.
-The amusement ride meets all State of Illinois regulations and required inspection(s).
-Fencing of adequate strength to protect the public from train equipment access must be provided.
-15'-0" minimum clearances to mall structure from the fencing is maintained (per revised plan 9/9/15).
-The Village receives a letter from Simon (landlord) indicating permission to install train by tenant and acknowledging conditions set by the Village of Orland Park.
- The amount of combustible storage is limited for the sales of goods (if any), as approved by the Building Official.
On September 21, 2015, this item was reviewed by the Development Services Planning and Engineering Committee, recommended for approval and referred to the Village Board of Trustees for consideration.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve a building code variance to allow the installation of a train within Orland Square Mall, up to 500 sq. ft. (with conditions listed), exceeding the code maximum permitted size of 300 sq. ft.