File #: 2016-0056    Version: 0 Name: Emergency Repair to the Chiller at Centennial Park - Payment
File created: 1/14/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 1/18/2016 Final action: 1/18/2016
Title: Emergency Repair to the Chiller at Centennial Park - Payment
Attachments: 1. Zone Mechanical Inc. Invoice


Emergency Repair to the Chiller at Centennial Park - Payment



On December 9, 2015, one of the core air conditioning compressors that are part of the chiller that serves the ice rink at Centennial Park failed.  An emergency repair was made by Zone Mechanical, Inc. the contractor that worked on this unit when the Village built the ice rink in 2003.  Typically, Building Maintenance staff have maintained this unit, however in this instance a new compressor was needed and was installed by the vendor.  The rink chiller unit was back up and running immediately after the repair.


Attached is the invoice from Zone Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $10,850.57. 


This agenda item is being considered by the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Village Board of Trustees on the same night.



Financial Impact

Funds are available in the FY2015 Contingency budget in the General Fund.  A budget transfer between the General Fund and the Recreation and Parks Fund will be necessary to fund this emergency repair. 


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to recommend waiving the bid process;




Recommend approving a budget transfer between the General Fund and the Recreation and Parks Fund;




approving payment to Zone Mechanical, Inc. in the amount of $10,850.57.