Intergovernmental Agreement between Consolidated School District 230 and the Village of Orland Park for a School Resource Officer
The police department has been supplying a School Resource Officer (SRO) at Carl Sandburg High School for nearly ten years. The collaboration between the staff, students and the SRO has helped to provide a more secure learning environment and provides the staff with police assistance as needed.
An intergovernmental agreement was recently created to formalize the relationship with School District 230 and Carl Sandburg high School which call for a reimbursement payment of $90,000 annually to the Village of Orland Park for the services of the SRO. It may be terminated with 30 days notice by either party.
On April 21, 2014, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Safety Committee and referred to Board for approval.
Financial Impact
School District 230 will pay the village $90,000.00 annually, payable monthly for the services of the School Resource Officer with an annual 3% increase effective on 8/1 of each year.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement between Consolidated School District 230 and the Village of Orland Park providing for a School Resource Officer and to authorize the Mayor and Village Clerk to execute the agreement.