Teska Addendum #2 - Wayfinding and Branding Plan - Sign Specifications
The Village of Orland Park Wayfinding and Branding Plan was adopted by the Village Board of Trustees on June 20, 2016. Now that the conceptual design for the wayfinding signage has been approved, staff will be moving forward with the implementation phase of this project. It is the intent of staff to issue a request for proposals (RFP) for construction services to fabricate and install the proposed wayfinding signage. Before issuance of a RFP, technical specifications for the signage need to be developed so those wishing to construct the signs can provide accurate cost estimates.
Teska Associates, at the request of the Village, has provided a proposal for signage bid documents based on the Wayfinding and Branding Plan, adopted by the Village Board. Teska was the lead consultant on the Wayfinding and Branding Plan. When the project began, Teska was not originally responsible for any part of the implementation phase of the project.
Originally, after a design for the signs was chosen, the consultant team was to build actual mock-up signs that would be installed in the field. It was later decided that funds would be better spent on actual implementation.
These remaining funds will be used to fabricate and install signage medallions at the monument signs at 167th Street and 171st Street and LaGrange Road. The remaining funds will be used to draft the proposed signage bid document.
The money being requested in the proposal is in addition to existing money in the current contract that will be used to cover the additional cost to prepare the bid document.
The goal of this assignment is to develop bid ready documentation for signage enhancements that will be used by the Village to solicit cost proposals for fabrication and installation by sign contractors. The selected sign features to be evaluated are as follows:
New pole mounted sign for “Historic District”
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