Agreement with Clark Hill PLC for As-Needed Legal Services
On August 7, 2023, the Board approved an agreement with Clark Hill PLC, for a not to exceed hourly rate of lawyer billing rate range from $245.00 - $960.00 and Paralegal rate range from $150.00 - $245.00. Listing attorney Yvette Heintzelman’s hourly rate at $355.00 and Rene Fell’s hourly rate at $295.00.
Staff is requesting approval to enter into an agreement with Clark Hill PLC for as-needed labor and employment related legal services. The new agreement lists the following lawyer billing hourly rate range from $235.00 - $950.00 and Paralegal hourly rate range from $140.00 - $350.00. Listing the public sector hourly rate of $385.00 for Yvette Heintzelman and Paul Starkman and the hourly rate for Melissa Garcia, Madison Shepley and Lidia Koelbel at $325.00.
Financial Impact
Funding is available in account 1005000.432100.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve and authorize the execution of a Professional Services Agreement between the Village of Orland Park, and Clark Hill PLC for as-needed legal services commencing January 1, 2025;
Authorize the Village Manager to execute all related contracts, subject to Village Attorney review.