LaGrange Road Enhancements - Construction Management/Implementation Funding
The LaGrange Road corridor project is a high profile local and regional project. The Village has invested significant resources to deliver a project that is above and beyond the typical IDOT bricks and mortar project. The ability to coordinate and construct the enhancements within the same time frame as IDOT’s project schedule with the quality the Village expects is critical to the success of this project.
The Village began discussions with IDOT about enhancing LaGrange dating back to at least 2009-2010. During this time, the Village, its consultants and IDOT have engaged in numerous meetings to discuss what the additional enhancements entail, including how, who will build the enhancements and the costs associated with the improvements.
During this time, the Village took the lead role in improving the intersection of 143rd Street and LaGrange Road. This project was done independently by the Village as part of an IDOT permit. The enhancements are the basis of the currently approved LaGrange Road Corridor Improvements project (LRCI). Some slight modifications have been made in the design elements since the intersection improvement process but the aesthetics are essentially the same.
As the LRCI Project proceeded through the IDOT Phase II design process the Village made the decision to separate its enhancement work from IDOT’s project (prior to 2012 and the 2013 IDOT letting). In doing so, the Village was required to design, permit and construct the enhancements along LaGrange Road independently of the IDOT contracts.
As IDOT’s project was bid and the Village was in the final stages of the IDOT permit approval process (2013), it became very apparent that, given the timing and magnitude of the IDOT work, it would be very difficult for the Village to bid out the entire 6.5 mile corridor enhancement plan as one large project. The main factor in this was the ...
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