24 Orland Square Drive - Appearance Improvement Grant
24 Orland Square Drive
(See associated AR 2016-0185 and AIG 2016-0351)
Curtis Hurst
Frontier Development, LLC.
The purpose of this application is to obtain $18,698.13 in funding assistance to renovate the exterior appearance and landscaping at 24 Orland Square Drive.
Requested Actions: Appearance Improvement Grant
Project Attributes
Address: 24 Orland Square Drive
P.I.N.(s): 27-10-300-027-0000
Parcel Size: 34,730 s.f
Building Size: 5,736 s.f.
Tenant Space Sizes (2): 2,878 s.f. (Blaze Pizza) / 2,858 s.f. (Pearle Vision)
Comprehensive Plan Planning District: Regional Core Planning District
Comprehensive Land Designation: Regional Mixed Use
Existing Zoning: COR Mixed Use District
Existing Land Use: Commercial Retail
Surrounding Land Use:
North: COR Mixed Use District - Restaurant (Denny’s)
South: COR Mixed Use District - Financial Institution (Citibank)
East: COR Mixed Use District - Commercial/Retail (Mall)
West: VCD Village Center District - (across LaGrange Rd.) Commercial/Retail
An Appearance Review was administratively approved for this project on May 10, 2016. The Appearance Review (2016-0185) report and its exhibits are included with this report for further reference.
The petitioner is applying to the Appearance Improvement Grant for a total of $16,819.13 to renovate the exterior appearance and landscaping of the one story building located at 24 Orland Square Drive. Currently, the building’s exterior has an outdated architectural appearance and is in need of façade update. The proposed updates are consistent with the surrounding architecture in the immediate vicinity, and will represent the third Appearance Improvement Grant (AIG) for a property located in a prominent location along LaGrange Road within the last year, the first being Grant TV and Appliance and second 29 Orland Square Drive...
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