Purchase of 10,000-Gallon Vertical Plastic Storage Tank - Proposal
In recent years, the Public Works Department, Street Division has been expanding the use of liquid deicing chemicals to augment snow removal efforts. Two separate operations utilize up to 10,000 gallons of various mixtures (blends) containing salt water (brine) and an organic beet juice based product (Geomelt). Depending on a variety of factors such as temperature, forecast and application, a typical mixture might include 80% brine and 20% Geomelt.
As weather conditions allow, the first potential operation utilizing this blend would be a spray application to pretreat the pavement prior to a forecasted snow event. As snow begins to fall and collect on the pretreated areas, residual blend reacts with vehicular traffic to melt the initial snow and prevent hard-packed snow accumulation. The second operation utilizing the blend is pre-wetting the salt prior to dispensing it to the pavement. While the salt is in the auger, it is sprayed with a liquid blend to initiate the ice melting reaction. This pre-wetting also helps to keep the salt dispersion on the street, and off of parkways. Both of these operations increase efficiency and reduced the amount of salt used during any given snow event.
Currently, Public Works utilizes an existing 10,000-gallon tank to store the appropriate blend. During more severe snow events, the supply of blend has run low forcing at least one staff member to switch gears and suspend snow plowing efforts to prepare additional blend. As we expand the use of these liquid deicing chemicals, staff is requesting to purchase an additional 10,000-gallon blend storage tank.
Staff has requested and received quotes from three separate vendors. Tank-Mart of Liberty Hill, Texas submitted a quote (including shipping) for a cost of $7,900.00; Indelco Plastics Corporation of Chicago, Illinois provided a quote of $10,551.98 (including estimated shipping); C&E Storage Produc...
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