File #: 2016-0872    Version: 0 Name: Amusement Device Operator's License - Southfork Restaurant
File created: 12/13/2016 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 12/19/2016 Final action: 12/19/2016
Title: /Name/Summary Amusement Device Operator's License - Southfork Restaurant
Attachments: 1. Application


Amusement Device Operator's License - Southfork Restaurant



Southfork Restaurant, located at 14631 LaGrange Road, Orland Park, IL has submitted an application for an automatic amusement device operator's license. The application requests that two (2) automatic amusement devices be allowed, both are claw/crane machines.


Presently, Section 7-6-2(B) of the Village Code permits a maximum of 25 automatic amusement device operator's licenses. With the addition of Southfork Restaurant the total will be twenty-two (22) currently active operator's licenses.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve the issuance of an automatic amusement device operator's license to Southfork Restaurant located at 14631 LaGrange Road, Orland Park, IL. Amusement devices shall be installed meeting Village of Orland Park Codes.