File #: 2014-0246    Version: 0 Name: Non-Union Wages
File created: 4/17/2014 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 4/21/2014 Final action: 4/21/2014
Title: Non-Union Wages
Attachments: 1. Employee Data


Non-Union Wages



There are 64 full-time non-union Village employees.  Since 2010, non-union cost-of-living increases have been:  0% (plus 5 furlough days), 1.5%, 1.5%, and 2%. In addition, since 2009, non-union employees began participating in the village’s consumer driven health benefit strategy. 


Staff proposes a 2.0% COLA increase effective May 1, 2014 for non-union staff (effective June 1, 2014 for Executive staff) as well as a $1,500 healthcare equalizer payable at the same time as the COLA increase.  Per the IBEW collective bargaining agreement, the six (6) employees in this group are eligible for the same healthcare equalizer provided to non-union employees.  Please note that the healthcare equalizer will not be added to the salary base.


Financial Impact

Funds for both the COLAs and healthcare equalizer are available within the FY 2014 budget.


Recommended Action/Motion

I move to approve authorizing a 2.0% cost-of-living adjustment for all full-time non-union (non-executive) personnel effective May 1, 2014 and effective June 1, 2014 for executive staff;




Approve authorizing a health care adjustment incentive of $1,500 per employee for the non-union and IBEW groups to be paid on or about May 10, 2014.