14101 Wolf Road Watermain Repair - Approval
On Friday, February 21, 2014, Public Works Staff identified a severe leak off the watermain at 14101 Wolf Road adjacent to a fire hydrant. The repair was beyond our abilities due to its location and depth in addition to the equipment and shoring requirements needed to safely complete the dig. As a result, Airy’s Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois was contacted to excavate and complete the repair while Public Works Staff focused on isolating the leak, traffic control, spoils hauling and providing the necessary materials. Airy’s completed the repair for a total cost of $7,221.58. A contract is in place between the Village and Airy’s Inc. to perform this type of work on an emergency basis.
On April 7, 2014, this item was reviewed and approved by the Public Committee and referred to the Board for approval.
Financial Impact
Sufficient funds are available within account 031-6002-443800 (Water System Repair and Service) to cover the cost of this work.
Recommended Action/Motion
I move to approve payment to Airy’s. Inc. of Tinley Park, Illinois, for the February 21, 2014, repair at 14101 Wolf Road in an amount not to exceed $7,221.58.