File #: 2021-0713    Version: 0 Name: Snow Services - Bid Award
File created: 9/24/2021 In control: Board of Trustees
On agenda: 10/18/2021 Final action: 10/18/2021
Title: Snow Services - Bid Award
Attachments: 1. RFP 21-031 Tabulation, 2. Exhibit A - Contractor locations, 3. Exhibit B - Beverly Price Sheet, 4. Exhibit C - McGill Price Sheet, 5. Exhibit D - Construction Concepts Price Sheet, 6. AGMT-CONTRACT Beverly Snow & Ice, 7. AGMT-CONTRACT McGill Construction, 8. AGMT-CONTRACT Construction Concepts, 9. Outside View Brick Paving - Signed Contract, 10. Signed Contract - Beverly Snow & Ice, 11. Signed Contract - McGill Construction, 12. Signed Contract - Construction Concepts of Illinois, 13. Singed Contract - Autumn Blaze, 14. SIgned Add. A - Beverly Snow and Ice, 15. Signed Add. A - Outside View Brick Paving, 16. Signed Add. A - Construction Concepts, 17. Signed Add. A - Maziur, 18. Signed Add. A - McGill, 19. Beverly Snow Ice-Addendum B - Snow Services, 20. Autumn Blaze-Addendum B - Snow Services, 21. Outside View-Addendum B - Snow Services, 22. Construction Concepts of Illinois-Addendum B- Snow Services, 23. McGill Construction-Addendum B - Snow Services, 24. Beverly Snow & Ice services for 2021-2023, 25. Beverly Snow & Ice (Addendum C) - Snow Services, 26. Construction Concepts - Signed Addendum C
Snow Services - Bid Award

Traditionally, the Natural Resources and Facilities (NRF) and Parks Departments have been responsible for snow removal and salting in municipal parking lots and on sidewalks and paths throughout the Village. In order to provide a higher level of snow clearing services for Orland Park residents, these CDL crews need to be reallocated to help Public Works focus on clearing primary and secondary roadways, by forming two (2) fully staffed teams working together. Contractor support will be responsible for maintaining the parking lots, sidewalks, and bike paths at a zero snow fall tolerance, meaning the contractor will have staff available from the start of a snow event until the snow event has ended and all facilities are completely cleared and salted.

Contractor support for snow removal and salting operations will be performed at the locations listed on Exhibit A.

Contractors will also be used in cul-de-sacs when snow fall is greater than two (2) inches. This contractor support has been consistently used the past twelve to fifteen (12-15) years, which allows Public Works to focus on the primary and secondary routes in heavier snow events.

A request for proposals (RFP) for the Snow & Ice Removal Services contract was published on BidNet Direct on May 24, 2021. BidNet data indicates sixteen (16) vendors downloaded all documents for the bid. On Friday, June 11, 2021 at 11:00am, five (5) sealed bids were opened by the Clerk’s Office for this project. Bids were received from: Beverly Snow & Ice, Inc. of Markham, Illinois; Construction Concepts of Illinois of Tinley Park, Illinois; McGill Construction Co., Inc. of Frankfort, Illinois; Shamrock Hardscapes & Restoration of Elburn, Illinois; and Snow Systems of Highland Park, Illinois. Please reference the attached RFP 21-031 Bid Tabulation Sheet and Bid Responsiveness Sheet for pricing.

Staff interviewed representatives from Beverly, McGill, and Construction Concepts of Illino...

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